Monday, July 18, 2016

July 23, 1903: Mooney Allen

Today we learn about a Texas lynching through the pages of The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) dated July 24, 1903:




Mooney Allen Was Attempting to Murder His Wife and When Policeman Skensbury Interfered He Fatally Wounded Him and Fled.

BEAUMONT, Tex., July 23.—Policeman Walter Skensbury was this afternoon shot and fatally wounded by Mooney Allen, a negro, who was pursued by a crowd of citizens and shot to death shortly afterwards. Allen started into to-day to shoot his wife and he forced a negro policeman and others who interfered to retreat.

Skensbury appeared, when the negro covered him with a Winchester and told him to halt. The officer was surprised and did so, whereupon Allen fired, the bullet striking Skensbury in the side, passing through the body.

After firing the negro started down the street in the direction of the Threadneedle house. Sheriff Landry's gun was empty, but at that instant some one placed a loaded revolver in his hands and he struck out after the negro.

In the meantime a crowd of men, many of whom had pistols, started in pursuit of the negro. Some of them kept up a constant firing, and the fugitive kept running until he reached Cedar street. He then turned and ran down Cedar street. He fell dead halfway down Pearl and Main streets.

Thank you for joining me and as always, I hope I leave you with something to ponder.

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