Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3, 1901: George Reed

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, N. Y.) dated January 4, 1901:


Released From Custody by the Court, He Was Later Found by a Mob and Hanged.

Rome, Ga., January 4.—George Reed, a negro, charged with an attempt at assault on Mrs. J. M. Lockyear of this city on Tuesday night, was hanged yesterday to a tree and his body was riddled with bullets by a mob of citizens. Reed protested his innocence. Considerable excitement prevailed throughout the day, before the lynching was accomplished.

After his arrest the negro was taken before Mrs. Lockyear, but she failed to identify him, and he was returned to jail. The mob that had been seeking the prisoner's life apparently was not satisfied. The demonstrations were so pronounced that Judge Henry of the Superior Court, not seeing any reason for holding Reed and fearing an attack on the jail, ordered the Sheriff to release him. The mob, learning of the release, formed within the city limits, and, in an orderly manner, marched to the house of Lila Glover, in North Rome. The men found Reed. He was taken three miles from this place before being lynched. Mrs. Lockyear's condition is serious.   

I don't know if this is the same George Reed, but it takes place in Rome, Georgia a year before the lynching. The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) dated January 17, 1900:


John Dean Assaults John [sic] Reed, Injuring Him Seriously.

Rome, Ga., January 16.—(Special.)—John Dean assaulted George Reed with the blunt side of an ax at an early hour this morning. Both parties are negroes and live in a remote suburb. Reed was in bed asleep when Dean, who was spending the night with him, slipped into the room and began beating him over the head with an ax. The negroes cries and groans brought his uncle, Tol Reed, to the scene. Dean ran and Tol Reed emptied his pistol at the fleeing form, none of the shots taking effect. George Reed is dangerously wounded and may not recover. Dean made his escape. No reason for the murderous assault in assigned.

Thank you for joining me and as always, I hope I leave you with something to ponder.

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