Wednesday, May 4, 2016

June 19, 1911: Mexican Boy

Today we learn about a lynching in Texas through the pages of the Daily Capital Journal (Salem, Oregon) dated June 20, 1911:


Austin, Tex., June 20.—Word was received here today of the lynching of a Mexican boy by a mob at Thorndale, in Milan county last night. The lynching followed the murder of Charles Zeitung, owner of a garage, by the youth. Zeitung had ordered the Mexican, whose name is not given, to cease whittling a stick in front of his place of business. For answer the boy  stabbed Zeitung to death with his pocket knife.

Following the murderer's arrest a mob stormed the town jail and took him to the center of the town. While waiting for some members of the party to bring a rope, a Mexican farmer drove by with a load of watermelons. His team was unhitched and the trace chains fastened together. One end of the chain was placed about the boy's neck and he was hanged to a telephone pole.

Thank you for joining me and as always, I hope I leave you with something to ponder.

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