Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 1900: John Hughly and Ed Ames

Today we learn about a lynching in Louisiana through the pages of The San Francisco Call (San Francisco, California) dated April 23, 1900:


First Assassination Is Followed by the Suicide of the Criminal.

Plans of the Blacks Are Discovered and Two of the Conspirators Are Summarily Lynched.

Special Dispatch to The Call.

ALLENTOWN, La., April 22.—A plot for the extermination of the whites, a cowardly assassination as the first act of the bloody drama, followed by the suicide of the terror-stricken murderer, the discovery of the plot and the prompt lynching of two of the negro conspirators is a record of the most exciting day in the history of Allentown.

W. T. White, foreman of Allen Bros. & Wadley's sawmill, was shot and instantly killed by Jeff Riston, a negro lumber grader. The murderer escaped to his cabin, but realizing that capture was inevitable, sent a bullet through his own head. Investigation developed the fact that there was a conspiracy among the negroes to massacre the whites. Enough evidence was found to implicate John Hughly and Ed Ames, two negroes, employes [sic] of the mill, as the ringleaders in the plot. Others were probably concerned, but the evidence was not conclusive and they were not molested. Hughly and Ames were led to a spot 200 yards distant from the mill.

White men numbering thirty placed the prisoners in position against a tree, thirty revolvers were simultaneously drawn and at a word all rang out  with but one report. The bullet-riddled corpses were left where they had fallen.

The inception of the trouble dates back about a week. One of the negroes executed to-day engaged in a quarrel with a white boy. The dispute was over a piece of work. The negro assaulted the boy, hurling him backward on a moving belt. Prompt action of the employes [sic]alone saved the boy from an awful death in the wheels of the machinery.

Foreman White ordered the negro whipped. The punishment was administered and the negro left the mill, but returned within several days and resumed work as if nothing had happened. White permitted the man to resume his former position, and did not imagine that revengeful negroes were concocting a plot which would result in his death.

White had occasion to reprove Riston for some slight dereliction, which brought the matter to a climax. At about 8:30 he left his place at the machine and crept up behind Foreman White, who was at the desk. Drawing his revolver he fired at close range, the bullet entering his back at a vital point. Riston fired again, the second shot taking effect in the breast. The unfortunate man fell to the floor, and the third bullet from the desperate criminal's revolver missed the falling body, imbedding itself in the wall of the mill.

White expired immediately. The murderer escaped in the confusion that followed and ran into a near-by cabin and killed himself. Whites gathered and upon consultation decided to rid the community of the bad negroes and the double lynching alluded to above followed. It is not believed there will be any further trouble.

Ont thing I don't understand is why they believed they were out to exterminate an entire race instead of killing White. Only one man was killed in this attempt and his name is White, I can't help but think that was the goal all along. Thank you for joining me and as always, I hope I leave you with something to ponder.

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