Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28, 1890: Brown Washington

Our first article comes from the February 28, 1890 edition of The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia):


Brown Washington in Danger of Being Lynched.

MADISON, Ga., February 27.—[Special.]—The negro, Brown Washington, who murdered a nine-year-old girl, after having outraged her, has confessed.

At dark crowds of men were pressing around the jail, and there is no question but that the prisoner will be lynched before daylight.

Our following article comes from the same paper dated a day later:


The Brave Men of Morgan Have Done Justice.

MADISON, Ga., February 28.—[Special.]—The body of Brown Washington, the fiend who was lynched last night, remained dangling from the telegraph pole until 12 o'clock today, when it was cut down, in order that the coroner's jury might hold an inquest. The jury's verdict was death by hanging and gunshot wounds, by hands unknown. The jury also commended the actions of the officers in trying to preserve the life of the prisoner.

The universal verdict in this city and county, is that he met his just deserts and Morgan county has been saved the expense of a trail [sic]. The negroes are loud in their commendation of the action of the lynchers.

I chose the above article because it gave the most details. The only detail it left out was the name of the uncle of the child and that the lynching occurred at midnight. Thank you for joining me and as always, I hope I leave you with something to ponder. 

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